This text should have a box around it.  The box is 100% of the window.

Some text here.

This text should also have a box around it.  This box is 70% of the window.

Some text here.

This div is 50% of the window, and has its left margin indented.  This sentence here contains no useful information.

Some text here.

This text is like the box above, except that the colours have been changed.

Some text here.

This text has a thick border!

This page was made to look this way by putting the following between the <head> and </head> tags:

<style type="text/css">
  p { border: solid ; border-width: thin ; width: 100% ; }
  div { border: solid ; border-width: thin ; width: 70% ; }
  div.indent { border: solid ; border-width: thin ; width: 50% ; margin-left: 20% ; }
  div.colour { border: solid ; border-width: thin ; width: 50% ; margin-left: 20% ; color: blue ; background: pink ; }
  div.thick { border: solid ; border-width: thick ; width: 50% ; margin-left: 20% ; color: black ; background: pink ; }

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